Journal of Prenatal Diagnosis and TherapyJournal of Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy
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You Searched for " [Author]-S Suresh [Search this in Pubmed]   "
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ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Risk-scoring system for predicting mucositis in patients of head and neck cancer receiving concur...
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Mother's knowledge about pre-school child's oral health
CORRESPONDENCE: Issue raised about incomplete reporting of research in press releases
 PMID: 20716827
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CASE REPORT: Nora's lesion of the second toe
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Marginal permeability of one step self-etch adhesives: Effects of double application or the appli...
MUSCULOSKELETAL RADIOLOGY: Metaphyseal bands in osteogenesis imperfecta
REVIEW ARTICLE: Genetic counseling in chromosomal abnormalities
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Type 4 capitellum fractures: Diagnosis and treatment strategies
CASE REPORT: Migrating transient osteoporosis of the hip in a 30-year-old man
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Influence of hydrophobic layer and delayed placement of composite on the marginal adaptation of t...
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