Journal of Prenatal Diagnosis and TherapyJournal of Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy
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Journal of Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy

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Current Issue

January-June - 2010
Volume 1 | Issue 1

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Changing paradigm in prenatal management
Screening during pregnancy has evolved significantly over the last decade from being an optional investigation into an integral part of a wider program of maternal care. Earlier, screening was directe...
Gregor Johann Mendel: The father of modern genetics
The passage of characteristics from parent to child is a phenomenon that has been cloaked in mystery since time immemorial. The fact that there is a transmission of characteristics through generations...

Review Article
Genetic counseling in chromosomal abnormalities
Pure trisomy due to nondysjunction of chromosome 21 is responsible for 96% of Downs with a recurrence risk of less than 1%. Parental karyotype is not required in nondysjunction type of trisomies. Majo...
Review Article
Chromosome structural variants: Impact on cytogenetic diagnosis and genetic medicine
Genomic rearrangements play a major role in the pathogenesis of human genetic diseases. Nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR) between low-copy repeats (LCRs) that flank unique genomic segments re...
Brief Report
PGD for a Robertsonian translocation by FISH: First successful pregnancy from India
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for a Robertsonian translocation was carried out in a young couple with 2 missed abortions. The wife had a k...

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